Directory structure

The directory structure is based on the Standard PHP package skeleton.

The public directory in your project contains the front-controller index.php and other web accessible files such as images, CC and JavaScript files.

The src directory contains the core code for your application.

The config directory contains the application settings such as the routes, service container, database connection and so on.

The templates directory contains the view templates for your application. You can use the Slim Framework’s template engine, or you can use a third-party template engine such as Twig or Latte.

├── build                   # Compiled files (artifacts)
├── config                  # Configuration files
├── docs                    # Documentation files
├── logs                    # Log files
├── public                  # Web server files
├── resources               # Other resource files
│   ├── migrations          # Database migration files
│   ├── seeds               # Data seeds
│   └── translations        # The .po message files for PoEdit
├── src                     # PHP source code (The App namespace)
│   ├── Action              # Controller actions (HTTP layer)
│   ├── Console             # Console commands
│   ├── Domain              # The core application
│   ├── Renderer            # Render and Url helper (HTTP layer)
│   ├── Middleware          # Middleware (HTTP layer)
│   └── Support             # Helper classes and functions
├── templates               # HTML templates
├── tests                   # Automated tests
├── tmp                     # Temporary files
├── vendor                  # Reserved for composer
├── build.xml               # Ant build tasks
├── composer.json           # Project dependencies
├── LICENSE                 # The license
└──               # This file