Slim 4 - eBook Online Version

Daniel Opitz
Daniel Opitz
02 Jul 2022

I must say that I am really pleasantly surprised by the success of the Slim 4 eBook. Many developers who want to learn more about the Slim framework or want to improve their web development skills have already bought this eBook.

Almost every day I update the content or even write new articles for it. Due to the high update rate, I decided to put an HTML version of it online, in addition to the PDF and EPUB format. This should make it even easier to read the current content directly in the browser.


For this purpose I integrated the Ko-Fi Shop and the Stripe API into the ordering process. This means that you will now get a link to the new eBook online portal directly after the checkout process.

For the future I also plan the possibility to unlock single articles there. In addition, I will log all changes and new articles in a changelog file.

If you have already purchased this eBook I can send you a link via email. Please just contact me.

Ko-Fi Shop: Slim 4 - eBook
Stripe: Slim 4 - eBook